Nancy Collins has been a busy gal!

9 Comfort Dolls arrived , and each one is cheerful and unique. Nancy even sent a Valentine doll.

These dolls will be sent out in time for Valentine's Day. One day this week.

I will find a shelter for them tomorrow.
Thank you so much Nancy, and also for sponsoring a few shipments. That was very generous and kind.
Hi Pat,
Your project is wonderful and the dolls are amazing. So much talent and love go a long way. Guess I'll have to get out my dusty sewing basket... :)
What a precious idea, I work with women who have been through various issues in life. In fact our organization just built a new facility here in Hawaii for women transitioning from a rehab to a 2 year living area with their children till they can get back in their feet and enter society with their children into their own place. Keep up this wonderful project of love from the heart.
Aloha Lorie
Those dolls do indeed look comforting. Very nice work, nancy! Your cause is such a great one, Pat.
Hello Pat,
Please come visit my blog. I have an award for you. :0)
Have a grand day,
Queen of Dreamsz
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